Acronym Broth

Busy week this week - handed the BIA assignment in, which was a really painful process. Woke up late (09:15, due at 10:00), left half the rationale at home, wasn't happy with the stationery aspect. I think it might be partially due to the way that Studio is structured this year. Group A had amazing stationery, but some really average logos, while Group B had better logos, but comparatively weak stationery. I think this may become even more of an issue with the next brief (a redesign of an existing journal) due to run times for printing and binding.
Got put on to a great comic this week. Its by a former DC artist - Karl Kerschl - and it's really quite amazing. Called Abominable Charles Christopher, it's set in a forest that seems inspired by the earlier films of Hayao Miyazaki (particularly Princess Mononoke). It's really a very nice, touching web-comic.
As far as Digital Processes goes, I've been working on creating a cat-house in Photoshop. More news as it happens.
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